I'm a CAT and I need to be Love

"I will do anything for love"... (photos courtesy  from  google)

Hello there my feline friends.  :)

"Love me Please".. (photos courtesy  from  google)
"Play with me"...(photos courtesy  from  google)

 "Consider your self Lucky"... (photos courtesy from google)

" A cat will be your friend, but never your slave" - Theophile Gautier

Most of us are mean to cats, specially here in the Philippines.  Feral cats are everywhere and hungry, stealing food from our table. It's normal for sure to shoo them away but these cats are being scald and some humans would pour hot oil or water whenever they get the chance. Next time before you do, think again please.  How can someone be so cruel. Before we go any further I would like to insert a small trivia of what feral means.
 A feral is either a cat or a dog that was born outside and never lived with humans or has strayed and was abandoned. Most of them were abused and traumatized and over time has become un-socialized to humans and through their own survival instincts went back  to their wild origins. 

So that explains it. Since these cats went back to their wild origins with  the need to survive and only armed with their cat instincts; its not their fault why they steal food from us, cats get hungry too you know.

Have a heart. I'm not saying adopt one, at least show some kindness to our furry feline friends. We all share the same earth and if cats are allowed where I currently live I'll adopt one for sure.

 Today's blog is dedicated to Monglee, who once became my companion and friend...

 Meow to cats until they meow back.. Meow... :)


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