Getting EMOtional

I know it’s way too late to write something about love. I’m not trying to be mushy or anything but it’s been a while since I last fell in love. I admit I was one of those broken hearted fools who lingered from the past and had fears of getting hurt again. So I decided to close my heart for a while so that it may heal. I couldn’t agree more to this line from one of Marilyn Monroe’s songs “When love goes wrong, nothing goes right”. It simply is true.

“LOVE” I don’t even know how to begin defining it. I don’t even know why I’m having thoughts about it. Maybe you never really have to think about it since love is a feeling that doesn’t involve your brain.

Some says, you’ll know when you feel it; but how will you know if it’s real? When you are with someone and your happy being with him, can that be labeled as love? Honestly I don’t have the answer to these questions.

One thing is for sure” LOVE” is freely given. You can’t take it back either. The receiver will remember it for as long as he or she shall live. It is the best gift. We all have that capacity to love; and we can definitely love more than once, our heart will just simply expand.
 In other words we can fall in love all over again and it will feel just like the first time. You don’t have to agree to it, you can simply remain bitter forever or simply remain single. The choice is yours.

I don’t know about you but I already made my choice. :)  Thanks for hearing me out, more thoughts to write next time. :)


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