Little Angel

My Sweet Little Sister

One thing’s for sure she’s not little anymore. Hehei!  Although your younger siblings tend to be annoying sometimes, at least you do have the authority of making them ran some errands once in a while. They would complain and whine and stamp their feet but they will still do it as if they don’t have a choice. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Hehei! Little sisters can also inspire you in in many ways.

I have to say that I have the sweetest little sister. I notice that we do things in a similar way. Whenever she’s upset with mother after nagging her about what she did wrong she would sit beside our dog and would confide to him just like a human being and would cry her heart out and gave the dog a hug. I did the exact same thing when I was little. Hehei! Isn't it weird? I also discovered one page in her notebook where she drew an image of a girl with bangs and below it says “ate lu-lu”. I was just touched with that simple drawing, knowing that your little sister is thinking of you and would draw that thought as well. But there is one thing she did that I will never forget. Let me tell you a story.

One day I was cooking and doing the laundry and just had my heart broken so obviously I was not in a good mood at all.  While I was frying the fish my mind was drifting when suddenly my sister gave me a big scare. I was so startled I felt my heart jumped and almost got fried. It turned out she was scared as a cat too since I got so furious I almost hit her with whatever I was holding at that time. I did not hit her if that’s what you’re thinking; I don’t feel like talking to her after that. So I continued with my chores and took the laundry out to dry in the rooftop. When finish, I slowly went down the stairs and to my surprise the words “I'M SORRY ATE LU2x” was formed on the ground using thin leaves. I got teary eyed at that exact moment.  It was just the sweetest thing and such a wonderful way to ask for forgiveness, creatively. I will always cherish that moment.

I’m so glad to have her as my little sister. I really miss her and I hope we will see each other soon.


Mai Layson said…
I love this one Lou :) Sweet indeed! Kahilak sab ta ug tanzan ani...haha!
the first and only one jud ka mo comment.. thanks mayang.. hehei
Anonymous said…
so sweet!! <3
@Anonymous .. thank you.. :)

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